Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I've been trying to organize myself like I used to in college. I'm not so good at it anymore. I made a wonderful to do list. It became the joke of the day. I was lucky to get one thing done on my devil list. The sad thing is that I was stuck doing things all day. I had new things for the list that never made it's way on the list. For example, my coworker called me and asked if I would compile a word document about improvements and procedures for our learning lab at school. That took about an hour. Next, I had to help with the hunt of the century for some financial paperwork that my dad could not find, but conveniently has to do with me. I also had to work on my grad application for Lewis because it's getting to the time sensitive season of summer.
I always get panicky around this time of the year. I always feel like if I don't get everything done then the world will crumble around me and things might not work out the way that I've planned. I know it comes with the territory of being a teacher and going to school, but I really need to learn how to deal with it in a better way.
Despite my lack of success with to do lists, I'm going to continue using them, because I don't know how to be organized without them. Ok, I should probably get off of this thing and get to my to do list.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lot's of Wedding Talk

So there comes a time in a girl's life when the age old question comes around. Will you marry me? Don't freak, this question has not come to my attention yet, but it is becoming intoxicating due to the fact that everyone around me seems to be getting married or talking about getting married. My family and I will have long drawn out conversations about all of my friends getting married and then that leads into hypothetical conversations about my wedding. A wedding that does not even exist! Don't get me wrong, it is kind of fun to think about it and discuss it. A lot of drama can surround a wedding, especially when you come from a huge Mexican/Polish family.

For example, having a small intimate beach wedding for 40 people can't happen. That would mean some of my aunts, uncles, 1st cousins, and grandparents wouldn't make the cut. If you are only on the friend's list, you can consider yourself not invited! I won't lie, your invitation did not get lost in the mail, you weren't invited.

Of course, I would never have a small little wedding because I love all of my family and friends so much that I couldn't disinclude any of you. Well, obviously I would have to make the hard decisions somehow. I'll have to embark on a crusade of explaining to my family as to why my college roommate deserves to be invited versus mi tia, who I've only seen 4 times in my life. It'll be an epic feat if I can accomplish this, but it's all part of wedding planning. Again, I can't emphasize this enough, this only applies if you come from a large ethnic family!

So once you are done with battling over guest lists, there comes the daunting task of actually affording the wedding. It's hard to believe that you might be one credit card bill away from being in the poor house all in honor of saying I love you, I won't cheat on you, I won't cheat on you when your sick, I won't cheat on you when your poor, and it's 2009 who obeys their husband anymore?! Don't get me wrong, I do think that you should spend money on your wedding, it is suppose to be one of the happiest days of your life and if you do it right, you will only do it once. I just feel that the wedding industry capitalizes on that simple sentiment way too much. There is obviously nothing that can be done about it, and no I'm not going to start an activist groups to represent the disadvantaged brides of America. A wedding is a luxury.

I could continue onto a political rant about same sex marriages and all of that jazz. However, I will not. Speaking of politics, why not throw in religion. Why can catholics only have half masses if they're fiance is not catholic? That does not make me any less catholic, this makes me kind of sad. So what, he can't have communion, who cares? I hope this only varies from church to church, god forbid, my poor polish grandma will think i'm not married if that's the case. Everytime she talks about her grandchildren getting married, it always includes a blessed catholic church. I am convinced that she thinks there is no other way to become man and wife. I don't particularly mind because I do want to be married in the catholic church.

I know the day will come when I will get married. Trust me, I'm very happy being a spectator at this point! I can't help but be happy for all of my friends who are brave enough to take the plunge. Don't worry ladies, your day will come and it will not be wrong at any age or time in your life as long as your with the person you love! If you don't love yourself, how can you expect someone other than your mommy to love you back?!

Friday, July 17, 2009

I'll Give it a Try

Ok, my friends have been raving about having a blog. I decided to join the bandwagon. I'm not sure what I want to use this primarily for, but I 'll give it a try. I'm about to embark on a huge change in my life. In August, I will be starting my first year of teaching. If you guys know anything about the kids I'll be working with, this might be a good place to vent, share stories, or just document what I'll be doing.
I'm excited for the school year to begin, but I'm beginning to get into worried mode. My position went to the school board on July 15th. I still have not heard from anyone to see if it was approved or not. Everyone keeps telling me that it's just a formality, but I can't help but worry until I put my herbie hancock on that contract!
I guess I'll continue to plan for the school year. I will try to focus on my master's class. BTW, Governor's State sucks! I hate that school so much. It is full of incompetent a-holes. I really want to go back to Lewis to finish up my school. I heart Lewis! That reminds me to get on the phone with them on Monday. Let's see if I can get out of that slum and back to society.
Summer has been super enjoyable, even though I didn't do anything overly exciting. It was just nice to be relaxed. I know once school starts all of my relaxation will be out the door. The odd thing is, that no matter how stressed I get, I always woke up and was happy to go to school. Hopefully that will stick.
I honestly don't know how this blogging thing is suppose to go, I assume you can do what you want with it, but I'll leave it here for now. I'm sure much more brilliance is yet to come, or crap, who knows.