Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tick Tock

This week has been a little crazy. It's only Tuesday too! I've been working a lot, well going to trainings and such. I didn't get home till six today, which is really late if you are a teacher. I went to my training, which technically ended early. We were suppose to just stay in the building and shoot the breeze I guess, but I decided to leave and go work on my classroom instead. I was on a roll so decided to keep working. I worked for a few hours there and got a lot done.
Tomorrow is going to be heinous. I have training all day and then I have to go to a soccer game that night. I'm sure the game will be cool, but honestly I wish it was any day other than tomorrow. I wish we could've went on some day where I didn't have a thousand things to do. I want to get a lot done tomorrow so that I don't have to go in on Thursday. That will be officially my last day of summer break if I don't go into work, but we'll see.
School starts on Tuesday and it's all that I can think of. I honestly am not thinking of anything else, if people didn't remind me of the shit I committed too, I would probably forget to go. I don't know what will make me less pre occupied with Tuesday. Oh well, I guess everyone will just have to deal with my insaneness for a little while. I have to get acclimated to my new job and once that happens, I'll be good to go. Ok, I'm going to start getting ready for bed. Long day tomorrow!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

School is coming

I haven't posted in a while. Not quite a suprise, I knew I would have my ups and downs when it came to keeping this thing up to date. My dearest Leah Marie texted me today and was super excited to find out that I had a blog. It kind of reminded myself that I had a blog. I've been pretty busy lately.

This week has been my first week of training for my new job. I would think four years of college, sixteen weeks of unpaid servitude (student teaching), two years subbing, and a year of being a teaching assistant would be enough training, but apparently not. Tuesday's training was called CPI training. Basically, I now know how to not get shanked by my kids. It's like self defense for teachers. The whole idea is a way to protect yourself and restrain the kids if they are completely bonkers. This is the world we live in. I chose a profession that does not involve any risk or danger, but I have to learn how to defend myself from shit head teenagers. All I can say is that it's all the parent's fault.

Today's training was a little confusing for me. My principal wanted some of us who were considered new hires this year and people who were hired later last year to go to a training with him about our behavior philosophy. I lived, breathed, ate our behavior philosophy all last year. I can corrective teach in my sleep, so I didn't learn anything new today. It was ok in the respect that it got me pumped up again for the school year, and renewed my confidence that I do know how to do my job and I'm actually kind of good at it.

After our training, I went over to my classroom and began putting up bulletin boards. I have a lot of bulletin boards in my class. I got four out of the seven done today. Basically I put up new background, which I ghetto rigged with plastic table cloths and put up new borders. I like how it turned out so far. I kind of feel like I need to spend about 10 more hours working in my classroom, but the janitors are practically chasing you out of there with pitchforks because they are behind on the summer renovations. I feel a bit better with the little bit that I've done, but I'd really like to just get in there and get my room done. I'll take pictures and put them up sometime soon.

Tomorrow, I have training with our guru for our behavior philosophy. She is a complete pill. I can only handle her in small doses. Unfortunately, I have to spend 8 hours going over stuff I already know. It can only make me stronger with my classroom management with my lovelies. I will let you know how it works out.

Overall, I'm excited for school to start. Honestly, when I look back on how our school year went last year, I don't know how I survived it. I don't really remember why I loved it so much, but I know I'll remember as soon as the kids arrive. I was soo afraid last year right before the kids came in the first day of school, but I know I will be ok. Not gonna lie, kind of sad that summer is pretty much over for me. Boo!